Strasser Hoofcare Community in South Africa

Strasser Hoofcare Community
in South Africa

2017 Seminar on Holistic Horse & Hoof Care

Please see

About Strasser Hoofcare South Africa

The nailing of iron shoes to horses' hooves is an established tradition. The discovery that this practice is not in the interest of horses, in fact, that it can be detrimental to their hooves and health in general, was quite revolutionary and is to this day a controversial topic. At present, however, the idea of barefoot horses is gaining in popularity worldwide, as excellent results have been achieved, particularly with the Strasser method of hoofcare.

The Strasser Hoofcare South Africa Web site has been started by Strasser Hoofcare Professionals in South Africa. The purpose is to provide a friendly forum for people who follow the barefoot hoofcare protocols set out by Dr Hiltrud Strasser from Germany.

Links to Official Strasser Hoofcare Web Sites

North America:
Australia and New Zealand:

Strasser Hoofcare Professionals in South Africa

The Strasser Hoofcare Professionals in South Africa are:

Strasser Hoofcare Alumni in South Africa:

South African Head Office Contact Details

South African Country Manager: Lynn Tungay SHP

Tel:  +27 (0) 82 575 9213
Web site:

Dragon Peaks, PO Winterton, 3340

Website maintained by Martha de Jager, an SHP (Strasser Hoofcare Professional) living in Gauteng, South Africa.
E-mail: – official information.